On May 12th, our Queensboro Plaza Dental Care team had a fabulous time at the 5th annual LIC Springs! community block festival, hosted by the Long Island City Partnership, on Vernon Boulevard between 50th and 46th Avenue. We braved a heavy downpour when we arrived at the fair at 10:00 am, but it turned out to be a great bonding experience for all. Fortunately, the weather cleared up just in time for the event to start and there was a great turnout from the community!
Meeting the LIC Community
This was our first time participating in the LIC Springs! street festival, and we were thrilled to meet many young families (and dogs!). Dr. Nguyen was honored to also meet several fellow veterans and trade stories about their time serving in the military. He enthusiastically spoke with local residents about the unique services our dental practice offers.
Giveaways at Our Booth
Not only did our team offer temporary tattoos and giveaways for kids, but we even raffled off two in-office whitening sessions and a one year membership to our Dental Savers plan! (Ask us for more information about this in-house discount plan, an excellent alternative to dental insurance.) We’d like to congratulate our winners: Remie C., Tantip W., and Lucia C. — thanks for coming out to meet us! But these LIC residents weren’t the only ones who walked away with a special something from us; we handed out over 100 brochure packets that included fun goodies, like lip balm and a dental emergencies refrigerator magnet.
Watch Our Video!
Overall, we had a terrific time at the LIC Springs! fair. Our team found LIC residents and fellow business owners to be incredibly welcoming, encouraging, and supportive. We even won the LIC Partnership’s #EyesOnTheStreet video contest. Check out our Facebook or Instagram pages to see our video!
We Want to Serve You & Your Family
It’s our sincere pleasure to be a part of such a vibrant and friendly community. We proudly strive to create the same welcoming environment for our patients at our dental practice. Even if we didn’t get a chance to meet you at the fair, we hope to see you and your family soon! We absolutely love new patients. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.
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